Our third Open Show of 2021 was held on the 17th October 2021 at our usual venue, The Outwood Memorial Hall, Victoria Street, Outwood, Wakefield. Our Judge was Mr. Nick Gourley (Witchstone) and Special Award classes were judged by Mrs. Sue Dykes (Kashi).
Full class results with the judge’s critiques are shown below the Gallery;
A big thank you to our show sponsors
“I would like to thank the Officers and Committee for the invitation to judge your very enchanting breed. I was impressed by the atmosphere and your teamwork; lots of special touches. I loved the commemorative prize cards with the beautiful artwork created by Jane Thomas. The new Club Chin Head Study logo on your rosettes is most impressive. Your Patron, the late Terry Burgess, would be very proud of you all. I was very grateful to my steward Rachel Stirzaker for her professionalism and good company.”
Nick Gourley