Following the cancellation of Driffield Championship Show due to the storms, our Open Show was rescheduled and held on Saturday 14th September 2024 at Ripon Racecourse, Boroughbridge Road, Ripon, North Yorkshire in conjunction with the Darlington Dog Show Society’s Championship Show. Our Judge was Mrs. Elaine Waddington (Spindlepoint) with Special Award Classes judged by Ms. Rachael Stirzaker (Ameliachi).
Full class results and links to the judges critiques are shown below;
A big thank you to our show sponsors
I was honoured to be invited to judge the Open Show and would like to thank the committee for this appointment. I would also like to thank Clive, my steward and also the exhibitors for bringing their dogs for me to assess. I enjoyed my day judging the breed and felt that there was a lovely atmosphere with friendly, sporting exhibitors.
This show should have been in held in conjunction with Driffield but unfortunately was cancelled due to the dreadful weather. My thanks go to the committee for rearranging this so quickly and efficiently which was not easy to do under the circumstances.
Not having the breed I hesitate to make general comments, but the one fault which affected a large proportion of the breed was the front movement with many dogs pinning in or plaiting. However temperament was excellent with all of the dogs being happy and good natured.Elaine Waddington